Setting the Standard for Cannabis
Harvest House of Cannabis

Building a centralized e-commerce platform to manage distributed cannabis storefronts.
Since 2013, Harvest House of Cannabis has been setting the bar for quality across the entire cannabis industry, from visiting a storefront to using products at home. They’ve expanded their footprint by purchasing dispensaries and manufacturing companies across the United States, but struggled to overcome the inconsistencies of their fragmented market.

Managing a growing cannabis brand.
Harvest needed a simpler way to manage all of the unique qualities and constraints across their current properties, while maintaining a sustainable workflow as they continued to scale. Throughout this transition, they also needed to be mindful about sunsetting old properties in a way that retains customers who were loyal to the previous brand experience.
Harvest’s marketing team can now more easily update and manage the content for their various stores, responding to local regulations and market needs with a standardized brand and experience.
Crafting a single platform that responds to users.
8th Light’s team began by hosting and facilitating discovery sessions to fully understand Harvest’s business and marketing priorities, while gaining input from subject matter experts. These sessions drove design, development, and deployment decisions for the new marketing website, including virtual storefronts and online menus for all Harvest locations. The React-based static site generator leverages a single headless content management system where administrators can update all of their various storefronts, including editing content and managing third-party integrations such as Designed for national scale, the new technical infrastructure is configured with custom state-specific rules to ensure stores follow state-specific regulations and new stores automatically follow parent state’s regulations.

UI Design
UX Design
Third-party Integrations
- Gatsby
- CosmicJS
- React