While working on website for my sister, I was perturbed that there were no libraries on Clojars for sending email. I was using Leiningen which will download and include all your dependancies for you (so sweet!).
Yet, with the library I found, I had to manually download all the required jars. Call me lazy but being forced to manually download dependancies seems like cruel and unusual punishment these days.
So I solved the problem with MMEmail: Simple Clojure library for sending email, with just one jar!
Jar File
Can be downloaded at http://clojars.org/repo/mmemail/mmemail/1.0.0/mmemail-1.0.0.jar
Include the library:
The Easy Way
is the only include you need. It contains only 2 methods, the fist being send-email. It takes a map that includes all the configuration and email parameters. That’s it.
Most of the parameters are required, but based on your server configuration you might get away without these:
- :ssl
- :password
- :subject
It also accepts the following optional parameters:
- :from (defaults to :user)
- :cc
- :bcc
The recipient parameters (:to, :cc, :bcc) may be a string, for one recipient, or a sequence of strings, for multiple recipients.
The Convenient Way
It can be annoying to pass such a big map into the function, and typically you’ll want to get all the server configuration out of the way. This is where the second function of mmemail.core (create-mailer)
comes into play.
will return a new function with all the configuration baked in. So in the future, you can send email like so:
The create-mailer
accepts email parameters that will be used as defaults when the generated function is called.
Copyright 2010 Micah Martin. All Rights Reserved. MMEmail and all included source files are distributed under terms of the GNU LGPL.