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8th Light Cars Featured Laptop

We helped Cars.com move from there to here.

The internet has enabled innovators like Chicago-based Cars.com to revolutionize the way traditional industries serve their customers. While empowering shoppers with the data and digital tools they need to make informed vehicle-buying decisions, Cars.com also enables automobile dealers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to advertise to in-market shoppers, showcase inventories, and close sales.

Cars Header Chart

Throughout the long-term partnership, our impact has scaled along with Cars.com's growth. We partner with strategic leaders and work alongside engineering teams to ensure the product is flexible, reliable, and keeping on track with the business.

Modernized e-commerce for that new website smell.

On the heels of the COVID-19 used car crunch — when both supply and demand norms were completely upended — Cars.com asked us for supplemental help in executing a comprehensive platform modernization. What the car-shopping public got from the relaunch was a new website; what Cars.com got was lower cost of ownership courtesy of current technology and tooling.

Cars hand mockups

We helped implement price history for private seller listings. This allows a seller to understand changes to a particular listing over time, as well as average market ranges and market prices for similar listings.

Over a two-year period, 8th Light teammates embedded in various Cars.com’s teams have helped them update their core web and mobile functionality and worked to improve elastic search and localization (most buying occurs within a 50-mile radius of the shopper). And our team members continue to help build and ship ecommerce features including finance options, and provide ongoing guidance and practice modeling that helps Cars.com’s internal teams capitalize on the value of agile development. We’re helping Cars.com on their quest to become more and more customer-centric, make their systems more future-friendly, and lower their operational costs.

Cars screen flow

Consulted and contributed to the relaunch and maintenance of the Cars mobile application.

Cars sample 1
Cars sample 12

One of our frontend specialists has been instrumental in the rollout of a new frontend framework that lowers technical debt, and the conversion of Phoenix LiveView of the new framework. This work included rebuilding lead generation and instant offer forms.

Cars Component Styles

We helped build a pattern library to make application components easily replicable and consistent.

Cars sample 3

We helped automate content management migration so that assets would be easily transferable to Cars.com from other properties they own.

8th Light developers are valuable contributors to our teams at Cars. They have worked across our stack on many projects. 8th Light contributed to the relaunch and modernization of Cars.com, which helps us innovate in new and modern ways.

Jason Sisk
Manager, Software Engineering



  • UI Design
  • UI Engineering


  • Ecommerce Platform Development

  • Enterprise Software

  • Mobile App Development

  • Software Development

  • Third-party Integrations


  • .NET

  • Android

  • AWS

  • CircleCI

  • Elasticsearch

  • Elixir

  • Kotlin

  • Phoenix