Why I Pair Program

Why I Pair Program

Craig Demyanovich

December 02, 2011

Recently, I was pairing with Steven. We were wrapping up work on a feature. While reviewing our changes and running our acceptance test suite, he realized that one of our new acceptance tests was passing before it should.

We knew the change that we should make to cause the test to fail and then pass as expected, but Steven wanted to dig deeper. He wanted to ensure that we insulated our tests from inadvertently passing in the future. I was reluctant. I wanted to be done. I didn't want to change the code I had written last week. I liked its design. I just wanted to make the test pass.

Steven persisted. And, since we had some time, he began exploring. I watched as he demonstrated how he wanted the code to look. Before long, our acceptance tests were more robust, simpler, cleaner and a little faster.

I probably wouldn't have dug deeper if I were working alone that day.That is why I pair program.

Craig Demyanovich

Principal Crafter

Craig Demyanovich is an avid hockey player, and loves visiting new places with his wife, Sandy. He is an experienced software crafter who has delivered high quality software solutions in many different languages, and in all layers of a system’s technology stack. Throughout his career, Craig has helped teams of all sizes build applications at every stage of development, and introduced new practices and processes that prioritize the long-term health of the application.